How to use


  1. Planning

  2. Metadata

  3. Deploy your Contract

  4. Mint NFTs

1. Planning

Please determine the following.

  • Content of your NFT (e.g.)

  • Chain

  • Hosting location for metadata

    • Decentralized storage such as IPFS

    • Your own server

  • Distribution

    • Airdrop

    • Sale on other markets such as OpenSea

    • Sale on your own webpage

  • Royalty

2. Prepare your metadata

Prepare the metadata of your collection. We recommend this tool for a generative project!

For non-engineers, we also have a tool to create metadata from CSV.

  • Please refer to the OpenSea standard to create metadata.

  • Work with a spreadsheet, etc., export the CSV, enter it in the text area, and press the DL button.

  • Pair of attributes.$number.trait_type and attributes.$number.value can create an attribute.

Upload the output metadata folder to IPFS.

3. Deploy your Contract

First, let's create a new contract.

①Select Chain and hit Next button

② Input contract name, symbol, and version. If it is the first contract of your series, put 1.0.0 for contract version.

③Input URL of the metadata. Don't forget to insert "/" at the end.

④Set the role for your NFT contract. Can set single owner(necessary) and multiple admin(optional).

⑤ Connect Wallet and deploy the contract. Sign and send a transaction via MetaMask.

4. Mint NFTs

※If you want to use lazymint, you need to skip this and deploy a sales contract.

This is for airdrop usage or sales on NFT marketplaces like OpenSea.

① Proceed to Mint page

② Create a CSV file with token ID and wallet address.

③ Input the CSV file, connect the wallet and send the transaction to bulk mint. Transaction will be split into 100 tokens each.

Last updated